
earl checks in...

in a comment i have just laid eyes on, his babstness, calls the yankees "the biggest band wagon team in professional sport" and remarks that yankees are "the easy team for the fair weather fan to adopt". i guess 26 titles gave them a thier share of bandwagoneers. on the other hand, your beloved sawx have won only one title and yet its bandwagon is bursting at the seems with late arrivals, who know little about the sport and pee all over the decades of patience shown by the long time red sox fan (like my man malcolm x) who stuck with them through decades of brutal gagging.

the yankees are a juggernaut who win frequently and without mercy. they are like a long respected and highly reviewed restaurant. you'll need a reservation and your checkbook to get in, but you know what to expect. the sawx were more like the corner bistro, a little hole in the wall that was frequented by regulars and had a nice and loyal atmosphere. well that hole in the wall with character and some degree of class has been over run and is teeming with the douchiest of douche wagons. the witty banter of loyal and long time customers is being drowned out by the screeming of all the a-holes, who have just come in for the night from dirty jers or strong isle. red sawx nation is dead and all of its informed loyalty is out the window replaced by first class douche baggery. sure the yankees had their share of fair weather fans, but they also had more championships than any team in pro sports. the sawx have last year, and a band wagon full of idiots.

earl also notes that the yankees fan base is "obnoxious". he should watch his step here since he has chosen to live in the greatest city in the world would be the first to tell you that he is a converted "new yorker".

as for the archives, just check out october 2004 for all of the past sawx-yanks chatter.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love all the chatter I have caused. No matter what team I route for I love this rivalry.

4:30 PM  

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