
jewish jordan update...

remember the jewish jordan? mac fu surely does. guess what he's up to? he's playing in israel. suprised?
two things i like about this story: one it's from the cleveland jewish news (heard of it willis?) and i really like the Talmudical Academy Thunder. could be my new favorite non-knicks basketball team.

Baltimore native Tamir Goodman does not like to dwell on the past, nor does he like to predict the future. Goodman is simply happy to be where he is today: In Israel, playing basketball. And with his wife, Judy, a former Beachwood resident, who is expecting their first child.

Goodman, an Orthodox Jew, began playing basketball when he was six, under the tutelage of his older brother, Reuven.

In elementary school, Goodman would arrive hours before classes began, practicing in the small gym. After school he would return to the court until Reuven and his Talmudical Academy teammates took over for a practice or game.

While practicing and watching these games, Goodman encountered Harold "Chaim" Katz, coach of the Talmudical Academy Thunder. At practices he always bugged Katz, asking to play with the team. Instead of shooing Goodman away, Katz assigned him drills to practice in the corner by himself.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Holidays to all those of the Jewish Faith this weekend.

5:08 PM  

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