
this guy is a member of the alabama house of representatives...

What should we do with US classics like Cat on a Hot Tin Roof or The Color Purple? "Dig a hole," Gerald Allen recommends, "and dump them in it." Don't laugh. Gerald Allen's book-burying opinions are not a joke.
Earlier this week, Allen got a call from Washington. He will be meeting with President Bush on Monday. I asked him if this was his first invitation to the White House. "Oh no," he laughs. "It's my fifth meeting with Mr Bush."

Observed Mary Minow on her LibraryLaw blog, "It's hard to even start a comment on this one--it's so over the top (if it is an April fools, then let me know). The government cannot prohibit speech on the basis of viewpoint, even in a nonpublic forum. I believe that lawmakers should read the constitution before introducing bills, but sadly, it's not unusual that they don't, or they don't care. They want to tell their constituents: 'See, I got the law passed, it's not my fault that the courts struck it down.'"


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