
zoo school sounds awesome...

Three zoo school students face charges for using a bat to beat another student who taunted them about being John Kerry supporters days after the contentious election.

The argument began earlier in the day Thursday with a discussion about candidates the minors had supported for president, Backstrom said. The two victims supported President Bush.

"We were sitting in the computer room at school, and there was kind of a political debate," said Chad McKay of Arden Hills. "Some people said only gay people vote for Bush." Chad said the victim said "only gay people would vote for Kerry because he supports gay marriage."

Any assault is also unusual at the 400-student magnet school at the Minnesota Zoo for students interested in the specialized science and environmental programs, principal Dan Bodette said. Juniors and seniors from the district's four high schools apply for spots at the magnet school, which offers classes in marine biology, ornithology, eco-architecture and indigenous philosophy.


Blogger fredeeky said...

earl, are you really opposed to gay marriage?

2:59 PM  
Blogger fredeeky said...


you know what makes me lose it? your "both sides are the same" argument. what are you ralph nader? that's just a cop out so you don't heve to choose up sides. at heart your a san fran liberal (i think), but there is also a country club republican trying to break free within you. you can't choose, so you say both sides are the same. both sides are most certainly not the same and i don't think that i'm the only one that feels that way. people wouldn't be blowing their brains out if that was the case. four years ago you could have made that argument, but not today. that being said i'll put up some vijay, kittens, college football and mandate.com for you. also i want to pong it up tonite.

12:37 PM  
Blogger fredeeky said...


i realize that not everybody wants to talk politics, but they're much less likely to want to discuss the flat tax wouldn't you say? besides, you promised me you would vote for bednarik. don't tell me you lied to me. this both guys are the same argument is still ridiculous, but i'll move on. i will however continue to chirp at bush who is and has always been a d-bag. that's my right as a 49percenter. sort of like the 49ers, but with one less win.

1:33 PM  
Blogger svendeezy said...

all the belated political talk makes the deeky blog a lot less interesting.

1:12 AM  

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