more ranting...
starbury will listen to all your complaints:
from fredeeky's mom:
Dearest F,
My heart is broken! I will have to sort it all out in my mind. I must have been living in a fog- I had no idea that Bush would really win. I still can't understand why anyone would vote for him.
Instead of turning to drugs or alcohol I will have to find solace in my art. Perhaps an anti Bush masterpiece will one day emerge. And you can visit me in jail.
Much much much love to my fellow Democrat. Forever!
from high life:
I hope you Bush supporters enjoy your $250 tax refunds and the security of knowing that the gays aren't going to get married, march into your homes, and take your guns. I also hope you look forward to an increase in the "faith based initiatives" which pretty much give money to government agencies to suppress science and replace it with selective quotes from the bible. I hope you, your parents, or anyone close to you doesn't have a history of Parkinson's or Alzheimer's in the family, because we are blocking proven efforts to find cures for these horrific diseases. Oh, and I also hope the rest of you are really excited about the fact that a small group of 55 year old men are sitting around making decisions for your wives, daughters, and sisters based on the bible. At least we are winning the war or terra and in Iraq...oh wait...

from fredeeky's mom:
Dearest F,
My heart is broken! I will have to sort it all out in my mind. I must have been living in a fog- I had no idea that Bush would really win. I still can't understand why anyone would vote for him.
Instead of turning to drugs or alcohol I will have to find solace in my art. Perhaps an anti Bush masterpiece will one day emerge. And you can visit me in jail.
Much much much love to my fellow Democrat. Forever!
from high life:
I hope you Bush supporters enjoy your $250 tax refunds and the security of knowing that the gays aren't going to get married, march into your homes, and take your guns. I also hope you look forward to an increase in the "faith based initiatives" which pretty much give money to government agencies to suppress science and replace it with selective quotes from the bible. I hope you, your parents, or anyone close to you doesn't have a history of Parkinson's or Alzheimer's in the family, because we are blocking proven efforts to find cures for these horrific diseases. Oh, and I also hope the rest of you are really excited about the fact that a small group of 55 year old men are sitting around making decisions for your wives, daughters, and sisters based on the bible. At least we are winning the war or terra and in Iraq...oh wait...
this is awesome...keep them coming...especially the letters from mom.
4 more years
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