
nice work if you can get it, without anyone else bidding on the contract...

WASHINGTON (AP) -- The FBI is investigating whether U.S. officials improperly awarded Vice President Dick Cheney's former company lucrative contract work without competition, a probe that was confirmed only days after a top Army contract officer raised the issue of favoritism.

The expanded investigation is converging with statements made last weekend by Bunnatine Greenhouse, the chief contracting officer for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The FBI has requested an interview with Greenhouse, who said her agency unfairly awarded KBR, a Halliburton subsidiary, the Iraq work.

also the "liberal press" buried this story today. npr were the only people to give it any play.


Blogger fredeeky said...

did i say news sources? the new york times (which is what all you right-wingers love to point at as the most liberal newspaper) totally buried this story today. also where was the washington post on that list? that's my point earl. also do you read these stories? most of them are wire stories. wire stories don't usually go out front do they? and the washington times and the wall street journal are not the "liberal press" or you and your cabal of right wingers are really out of luck.

wow, earl you are a little touchy. sad that you sold your soul for a sox victory and you don't even like baseball that much? now your beloved w. is gagging all over himself down the home stretch and maybe you're starting to worry. do you still love w. as much as ever? more than ever? you people facinate me.

12:46 PM  
Blogger fredeeky said...


in the times it ran on page a8 way below the fold. that's what they called buried. typical of a republican to argue one of the least important facts regarding that story and hammer away at some unimportant aspect of it. you're a good soldier.

2:39 PM  
Blogger fredeeky said...

hells yeah - as long as he agrees to vote for kerry or root for the yankees.

3:59 PM  
Blogger fredeeky said...

earl, get off the fudge report. that story in no way says anything like that. did you read it?

anyway tehran is all about bush.

4:43 PM  

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